Sunday, January 9, 2011

And here we go life's ready to begin....

Wow what a week this has been!! So many things have happened, things I didn't think will ever happen! First off I work at this place called Sound Concepts. We are a third party publishing company where I work in the costumer service department. I help people that call in with questions they have and also sell them different marketing tools. Many times during the month we go to Events where we sell marketing tools as well, tools such as books, cds, brochures, etc. Anyways I was sitting at work on Monday and an account manager came in and asked me if I spoke spanish. I told him I do, then he asked me if I wanted to work at an event that is coming up in the beginning of March. I then asked him where it was at and this is the great news, he told me its going to be in...........CANCUN MEXICO!!!

I am going to be there March 6th till the 13th, I am way freakin excitied!! Also I will not have to pay for any airline tickets neither for the hotel. I will be working but I will probaly be done working around 5 each day, plus a couple of the days we will end early so I will be hitting up the beaches and having a good time in Cancun Mexico!

Then on Wed I was driving home from work and I got a call from my good friend Mark Johnson. Me and Mark both love skiing, but his mom has hook ups so Mark usually has really good ski gear that he gets for cheap. I have been skiing on the same boots since High School, and I was in need of new boots. Mark saw my old ones and was keeping an eye open for some new boots for me. It just so happened that the place Marks mom works at got new ski boots that they were giving away so Mark told his mom to take them. Thats when I got the news from Mark that he got me some new ski boots.
They are 2010 Atomic Hawk 90 boots

He brought them down on Friday night so I tried them on and they fit like a glove, a little tight but thats what you want for ski boots.

Last but not least on Friday night I went on a group date with a girl I met in Spanish class. Her name is Carla and shes from Argentina. We met up with my brother, his date, Mark and his date at Nickle City. At Nickle City they have an Arcade Game called Big Bass Wheel. It looks something like this

It takes 8 nickles to play, which is a lot of Nickles to play with. So me and Carla were enjoying our time at Nickle City when I realized we were running low on Nickles so we better try the Big Bass Wheel. We each put in 4 Nickles each and grabbed the handle. When we pulled the handle down I looked at Carla and told her "If we win the 1000 tickets Im going to go nuts!!" Then I saw that we had a chance of winning it. It slowly started to end spinning when I realized its going to be super close, that there is a chance to win. Then it stopped and from my angle I saw that it was only 4 tickets. I looked down at the tickets, waiting to grab 4 tickets but they kept coming out. I looked at Carla and she said "I think we won", so I looked at the screen again and this is what I saw...

I didn't know what to do, so I yelled we won and started calling for Darens name, knowing that Daren would be way happy that we won. I ran around the whole place until I found Daren and Mark the great news. They stopped what they were doing and came over to see for them selves that we won. The tickets were still coming out when they came over.

So this week I learned alot of different lessons. First off that the Lord blessed me greatly with different blessings. And Second the impossible can become possible, you just need to wait for your time to come. Here are some pictures of the rest of our time at Nickle City. Enjoy :)

Me and Carla with our 1000 tickets!!

Proof of our 1000 tickets!


  1. Way to go Ry-Dawg! That is so cool that you won! And a trip to Cancun! Rock on Brother! Rock on!

  2. Cool week for you!!!!! You rock brother!
